Cooper & Cary Have Words
James Cary and Barry Cooper are two English friends who live 4000 miles apart and enjoy theology, culture and the arts. Now they record themselves and call it a podcast. Thanks, internet.
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Podcasting since 2021 • 85 episodes
Cooper & Cary Have Words
Latest Episodes
#180 Cooper & Cary Have The Last Word
And so adieu, adieu, to yieu and yieu. What have we learned in seven years? What's changed? How have we changed - and why are conservative evangelicals so reluctant to admit to changing? I guess the clue is in the title... Anyway, here are Coop...
Season 1

#121 REPLAY Cooper and Cary Reunited Q&A
Ahead of the last ever episode dropping next time, Cooper and Cary thought this would make a good episode for our last 'replay'. Recorded in front of a tiny audience at Speak Life back in November 2021, this one has a bit of Cooper and Cary beh...
Season 1

#104 REPLAY That Homeschooling Episode
Originally entitled 'Too cool for School?', this stridently pro-homeschooling episode from 2021 generated more emails than any other to date. Have a listen and you might find out why. Or maybe you feel differently now?

#94 REPLAY The Rest is Guy Fawkes
Back in November 2020, we released this episode as "I'm Not Your Buddy Guy", which is a South Park reference Cary doesn't get, so he changed it to The Rest is Guy Fawkes, for obvious reasons. If you want to go to

#137 REPLAY God Told Me To Be a Cessationist
Ever heard an audible voice from God? Or fetl that God was clearly instructing you to do something? Does that make you a "Charismatic" Christian? What's the difference between a Cessationist and a Continuationist? Back in October 2022, Coops an...
Season 1