Cooper & Cary Have Words
James Cary and Barry Cooper are two English friends who live 4000 miles apart and enjoy theology, culture and the arts. Now they record themselves and call it a podcast. Thanks, internet.
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Cooper & Cary Have Words
#74 REPLAY A Swing And A Myth (With Nate Morgan Locke)
Cooper and Cary are back in a fortnight with Ep 135, so just one more replay, this time with good friend of the show, Nate Morgan Locke who talks about The Genesis of Story, and the opening music should warn you that Nate Morgan Locke is back in town. He’s only recently recovered from Toy Story 4 (see Ep 59) but he is now thinking about how all stories are one story: the monomyth. Nate thought it would be a good idea to present this to Westminster Theological Seminar as a fictional roadtrip so he, James and Barry talk to him about that. And a little bit about Star Wars. You can get hold of Nate’s Roadtrip Thesis, The Genesis of Story, here.
If you enjoyed this, you might like to try episode #127 with Nate Morgan Locke here.
Cary does a podcast with Morgan Locke called Popcorn Parenting that you can find here.
Unlock extended ad-free episodes, advance access, a huge episode archive, and bonus content, by subscribing to Cooper & Cary+ on Apple Podcasts. Or get everything on C&C+, together with video, and access to the exclusive C&C Discord server, by becoming a Patron.
Encouragement and/or open derision should be addressed here: cooperandcary@gmail.com
Production and music by Cooper & Cary. Opening theme by Beyond Our Galaxy.