Cooper & Cary Have Words
James Cary and Barry Cooper are two English friends who live 4000 miles apart and enjoy theology, culture and the arts. Now they record themselves and call it a podcast. Thanks, internet.
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Cooper & Cary Have Words
#146 Is Hell Real? (With Dane Ortlund)
Cooper and Cary have words with best-selling author of Gentle and Lowly, and one of their favourite Ortlunds (@daneortlund), to ask, "Is Hell Real?"*
Is Hell Real: https://9marks.myshopify.com/collections/new-releases/products/is-hell-real
Gentle and Lowly: https://amzn.to/3lkJxtu
The Admirable Conjunction of Diverse Excellencies in Christ Jesus (Sermon by Jonathan Edwards)
(*other Ortlunds are available)
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Encouragement and/or open derision should be addressed here: cooperandcary@gmail.com
Production and music by Cooper & Cary. Opening theme by Beyond Our Galaxy.